// 首先,`require`合约并将其分配给一个变量`MyContract`
const MyContract = artifacts.require('./MyContract.sol');
// 调用“contract”函数,并在回调函数中编写所有测试
// 回调函数提供一个“accounts”变量,表示本地区块链上的所有帐户。
contract('MyContract', (accounts) => {
// 第1个测试:调用get()函数,检查返回值,测试合约中value初始值是否是: 'myValue'
it('initializes with the correct value', async () => {
// 获取合约实例
const myContract = await MyContract.deployed()
const value = await myContract.get()
// 使用断言测试value的值
assert.equal(value, 'myValue')
// 第2个测试: 调用set()函数来设置value值,然后调用get()函数来确保更新了值
it('can update the value', async () => {
const myContract = await MyContract.deployed()
myContract.set('New Value');
const value = await myContract.get()
assert.equal(value, 'New Value')
$ truffle test
G:\qikegu\ethereum\mydapp>truffle test
Using network 'development'.
Compiling your contracts...
> Everything is up to date, there is nothing to compile.
Contract: MyContract
√ initializes with the correct value (76ms)
√ can update the value (78ms)
2 passing (188ms)