nacos springcloud详细配置_apollo配置中心使用

(1) 2024-09-16 11:23

nacos springcloud详细配置_apollo配置中心使用,希望能够帮助你!!!。

环境:Springboot2.3.12.RELEASE + Spring Cloud Alibaba2.2.5.RELEASE + Spring Cloud Hoxton.SR12






  1. dataId=nacos-config, tenant(namespace)=7205e694-ac51-4ac1-bbe9-87c28689b88a, group=HisGroup
  2. loadNacosDataIfPresent(compositePropertySource, dataIdPrefix, nacosGroup,
    fileExtension, true);
  3., tenant=7205e694-ac51-4ac1-bbe9-87c28689b88a, group=HisGroup
  4. loadNacosDataIfPresent(compositePropertySource,
    dataIdPrefix + DOT + fileExtension, nacosGroup, fileExtension, true);
  5. 通过定义的profile
  6. private static final String NACOS_PROPERTY_SOURCE_NAME = "NACOS";
    private static final String SEP1 = "-";
    private static final String DOT = ".";
    for (String profile : environment.getActiveProfiles()) {
    String dataId = dataIdPrefix + SEP1 + profile + DOT + fileExtension;
    loadNacosDataIfPresent(compositePropertySource, dataId, nacosGroup,
    fileExtension, true);


@Configuration(proxyBeanMethods = false) @ConditionalOnProperty(name = "", matchIfMissing = true) public class NacosConfigBootstrapConfiguration { // Nacos Config相关的配置属性 @Bean @ConditionalOnMissingBean public NacosConfigProperties nacosConfigProperties() { return new NacosConfigProperties(); } // 管理Nacos Config相关的服务 @Bean @ConditionalOnMissingBean public NacosConfigManager nacosConfigManager( NacosConfigProperties nacosConfigProperties) { return new NacosConfigManager(nacosConfigProperties); } // 核心类自定义启动加载配置文件(Bootstraps) @Bean public NacosPropertySourceLocator nacosPropertySourceLocator( NacosConfigManager nacosConfigManager) { return new NacosPropertySourceLocator(nacosConfigManager); } }\


public class NacosPropertySourceLocator implements PropertySourceLocator { private NacosPropertySourceBuilder nacosPropertySourceBuilder; private NacosConfigProperties nacosConfigProperties; private NacosConfigManager nacosConfigManager; public NacosPropertySourceLocator(NacosConfigManager nacosConfigManager) { this.nacosConfigManager = nacosConfigManager; this.nacosConfigProperties = nacosConfigManager.getNacosConfigProperties(); } public PropertySource<?> locate(Environment env) { nacosConfigProperties.setEnvironment(env); // 关键通过NacosConfigManager获取ConfigService服务 ConfigService configService = nacosConfigManager.getConfigService(); // ... long timeout = nacosConfigProperties.getTimeout(); nacosPropertySourceBuilder = new NacosPropertySourceBuilder(configService, timeout); // 下面这些设置就是对应从配置文件中获取 String name = nacosConfigProperties.getName(); String dataIdPrefix = nacosConfigProperties.getPrefix(); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(dataIdPrefix)) { dataIdPrefix = name; } if (StringUtils.isEmpty(dataIdPrefix)) { dataIdPrefix = env.getProperty(""); } CompositePropertySource composite = new CompositePropertySource( NACOS_PROPERTY_SOURCE_NAME);// NACOS_PROPERTY_SOURCE_NAME = NACOS // 加载共享配置 loadSharedConfiguration(composite); // 加载扩展配置 loadExtConfiguration(composite); // 加载应用程序配置(这里就以应用程序配置,深入查看) loadApplicationConfiguration(composite, dataIdPrefix, nacosConfigProperties, env); return composite; } }



public interface ConfigService { // 获取配置 String getConfig(String dataId, String group, long timeoutMs) throws NacosException; // 获取配置并设置监听 String getConfigAndSignListener(String dataId, String group, long timeoutMs, Listener listener) throws NacosException; // 给配置添加监听 void addListener(String dataId, String group, Listener listener) throws NacosException; // 发布配置 boolean publishConfig(String dataId, String group, String content) throws NacosException; // 删除配置 boolean removeConfig(String dataId, String group) throws NacosException; // 删除监听 void removeListener(String dataId, String group, Listener listener); // 获取服务状态 String getServerStatus(); // 关闭资源服务 void shutDown() throws NacosException; }


public class NacosConfigManager { private static ConfigService service = null; private NacosConfigProperties nacosConfigProperties; public NacosConfigManager(NacosConfigProperties nacosConfigProperties) { this.nacosConfigProperties = nacosConfigProperties; // 创建配置服务 createConfigService(nacosConfigProperties); } static ConfigService createConfigService( NacosConfigProperties nacosConfigProperties) { if (Objects.isNull(service)) { synchronized (NacosConfigManager.class) { try { if (Objects.isNull(service)) { // 通过工厂创建服务 // assembleConfigServiceProperties方法 // 就是收集关于Nacos所有配置信息,如:地址,端口,用户名,密码等 // 详细查看NacosConfigProperties#assembleConfigServiceProperties service = NacosFactory.createConfigService( nacosConfigProperties.assembleConfigServiceProperties()); } } // ... } } return service; } } // NacosFactory public class NacosFactory { public static ConfigService createConfigService(Properties properties) throws NacosException { return ConfigFactory.createConfigService(properties); } } public class ConfigFactory { public static ConfigService createConfigService(Properties properties) throws NacosException { try { Class<?> driverImplClass = Class.forName(""); Constructor constructor = driverImplClass.getConstructor(Properties.class); ConfigService vendorImpl = (ConfigService) constructor.newInstance(properties); // 通过反射构造了NacosConfigservice,同时设置属性信息 // 这些属性信息就是一些Naocs服务的地址,端口,用户名,密码等信息 return vendorImpl; } catch (Throwable e) { throw new NacosException(NacosException.CLIENT_INVALID_PARAM, e); } } }




public class NacosPropertySourceLocator implements PropertySourceLocator { private NacosPropertySourceBuilder nacosPropertySourceBuilder; public PropertySource<?> locate(Environment env) { nacosConfigProperties.setEnvironment(env); // 关键通过NacosConfigManager获取ConfigService服务 ConfigService configService = nacosConfigManager.getConfigService(); // ... nacosPropertySourceBuilder = new NacosPropertySourceBuilder(configService, timeout); CompositePropertySource composite = new CompositePropertySource( NACOS_PROPERTY_SOURCE_NAME); loadApplicationConfiguration(composite, dataIdPrefix, nacosConfigProperties, env); return composite; } private void loadApplicationConfiguration( CompositePropertySource compositePropertySource, String dataIdPrefix, NacosConfigProperties properties, Environment environment) { // 获取文件扩展 String fileExtension = properties.getFileExtension(); // 获取分组 String nacosGroup = properties.getGroup(); // ... // load with suffix, which have a higher priority than the default // 这里就以这里为例 loadNacosDataIfPresent(compositePropertySource, dataIdPrefix + DOT + fileExtension, nacosGroup, fileExtension, true); // Loaded with profile, which have a higher priority than the suffix // 这里会根据不同配置的profiles再次加载不同环境的配置 for (String profile : environment.getActiveProfiles()) { String dataId = dataIdPrefix + SEP1 + profile + DOT + fileExtension; loadNacosDataIfPresent(compositePropertySource, dataId, nacosGroup, fileExtension, true); } } private void loadNacosDataIfPresent(final CompositePropertySource composite, final String dataId, final String group, String fileExtension, boolean isRefreshable) { if (null == dataId || dataId.trim().length() < 1) { return; } if (null == group || group.trim().length() < 1) { return; } // 加载Nacos属性源 NacosPropertySource propertySource = this.loadNacosPropertySource(dataId, group, fileExtension, isRefreshable); this.addFirstPropertySource(composite, propertySource, false); } private NacosPropertySource loadNacosPropertySource(final String dataId, final String group, String fileExtension, boolean isRefreshable) { // ... return, group, fileExtension, isRefreshable); } private void addFirstPropertySource(final CompositePropertySource composite, NacosPropertySource nacosPropertySource, boolean ignoreEmpty) { if (null == nacosPropertySource || null == composite) { return; } if (ignoreEmpty && nacosPropertySource.getSource().isEmpty()) { return; } composite.addFirstPropertySource(nacosPropertySource); } } // 这里面开始加载数据 public class NacosPropertySourceBuilder { NacosPropertySource build(String dataId, String group, String fileExtension, boolean isRefreshable) { Map<String, Object> p = loadNacosData(dataId, group, fileExtension); NacosPropertySource nacosPropertySource = new NacosPropertySource(group, dataId, p, new Date(), isRefreshable); NacosPropertySourceRepository.collectNacosPropertySource(nacosPropertySource); return nacosPropertySource; } // 加载数据 private Map<String, Object> loadNacosData(String dataId, String group, String fileExtension) { String data = null; try { // 通过ConfigService加载配置内容(从远程服务获取) data = configService.getConfig(dataId, group, timeout); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(data)) { return EMPTY_MAP; } Map<String, Object> dataMap = NacosDataParserHandler.getInstance() .parseNacosData(data, fileExtension); return dataMap == null ? EMPTY_MAP : dataMap; } // ... return EMPTY_MAP; } } public class NacosConfigService implements ConfigService { public String getConfig(String dataId, String group, long timeoutMs) throws NacosException { return getConfigInner(namespace, dataId, group, timeoutMs); } private String getConfigInner(String tenant, String dataId, String group, long timeoutMs) throws NacosException { group = null2defaultGroup(group); ParamUtils.checkKeyParam(dataId, group); ConfigResponse cr = new ConfigResponse(); cr.setDataId(dataId); cr.setTenant(tenant); cr.setGroup(group); // 这里会从缓存文件中获取,如果能获取就不会再从远程加载了 // 会从如下缓存目录下加载配置: // System.getProperty("JM.SNAPSHOT.PATH", // System.getProperty("user.home")) + File.separator + "nacos" // + File.separator + "config" String content = LocalConfigInfoProcessor.getFailover(agent.getName(), dataId, group, tenant); if (content != null) { cr.setContent(content); configFilterChainManager.doFilter(null, cr); content = cr.getContent(); return content; } try { // 缓存总无法获取则从远程服务上拉取数据 String[] ct = worker.getServerConfig(dataId, group, tenant, timeoutMs); cr.setContent(ct[0]); configFilterChainManager.doFilter(null, cr); content = cr.getContent(); return content; } catch (NacosException ioe) { if (NacosException.NO_RIGHT == ioe.getErrCode()) { throw ioe; } } content = LocalConfigInfoProcessor.getSnapshot(agent.getName(), dataId, group, tenant); cr.setContent(content); configFilterChainManager.doFilter(null, cr); content = cr.getContent(); return content; } } public class ClientWorker implements Closeable { // 这里就是从远程服务拉取配置 public String[] getServerConfig(String dataId, String group, String tenant, long readTimeout) throws NacosException { String[] ct = new String[2]; if (StringUtils.isBlank(group)) { group = Constants.DEFAULT_GROUP; } HttpRestResult<String> result = null; try { Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(3); if (StringUtils.isBlank(tenant)) { params.put("dataId", dataId); params.put("group", group); } else { params.put("dataId", dataId); params.put("group", group); params.put("tenant", tenant); } result = agent.httpGet(Constants.CONFIG_CONTROLLER_PATH, null, params, agent.getEncode(), readTimeout); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new NacosException(NacosException.SERVER_ERROR, ex); } switch (result.getCode()) { case HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK: // 获取成功后会将数据保存到缓存目录下 LocalConfigInfoProcessor.saveSnapshot(agent.getName(), dataId, group, tenant, result.getData()); ct[0] = result.getData(); if (result.getHeader().getValue(CONFIG_TYPE) != null) { ct[1] = result.getHeader().getValue(CONFIG_TYPE); } else { ct[1] = ConfigType.TEXT.getType(); } return ct; case HttpURLConnection.HTTP_NOT_FOUND: LocalConfigInfoProcessor.saveSnapshot(agent.getName(), dataId, group, tenant, null); return ct; case HttpURLConnection.HTTP_CONFLICT: { throw new NacosException(NacosException.CONFLICT, "data being modified, dataId=" + dataId + ",group=" + group + ",tenant=" + tenant); } throw new NacosException(result.getCode(), result.getMessage()); } default: { throw new NacosException(result.getCode(), "http error, code=" + result.getCode() + ",dataId=" + dataId + ",group=" + group + ",tenant=" + tenant); } } } }


总结:Nacos Config先从本地缓存中获取数据,如果不能获取才从远程拉取(如果远程服务无法连接,那么会不断重试,前提是本地能够加载到数据,否则服务将无法正常启动)。


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