
(2) 2024-09-14 15:12



Aa /æ/:Angry/ˈæŋgri/愤怒的Apple/ˈæpl/苹果Ant /ænt/蚂蚁 Alligator/ˈælɪɡeɪtər/鳄鱼Axe/æks/斧头

Bb /b/:Big/bɪg/大的Bear/beə/熊Bed/bed/床Banana/bəˈnɑːnə/香蕉Bird/bɜːd/鸟

Cc /k/: Cool/kuːl/酷酷的Cat/kæt/猫cup/kʌp/杯子car/kɑː(r)/汽车computer/kəmˈpjuːtə(r)/电脑

Dd /d/:Dizzy/ ˈdɪzi/眩晕的Dog/dɒɡ/狗/desk/desk/办公桌duck/dʌk/鸭子doll/dɒl/洋娃娃

Ee /e/:Energetic/ enəˈdʒetɪk/精神的 egg/ eɡ/鸡蛋envelop/ˈenvələʊp/信封elephant/ˈelɪfənt/大象elbow/ˈelbəʊ/手肘

Ff /f/:Funny/ˈfʌni/有趣的Fish/fɪʃ/鱼Fan/fæn/风扇Farm/fɑːm/农场Fork/fɔːk/叉子

Gg /g/:Good/ɡʊd /好的 gorilla/ɡəˈrɪlə大猩猩girl/ɡɜːl/女孩gift/ɡɪft/礼物goat/ɡəʊt/山羊

Hh /h/: happy/ˈhæpi/开心的 Horse/ hɔːs/马house/haʊs/房子hotdog/ˈhɑtˌdɔg/热狗hat/hæt/帽子

Ii /i/: interesting/ ˈɪntrəstɪŋ/有趣的 insect/ˈɪnsekt/昆虫ink/ɪŋk/墨水igloo/ˈɪɡluː/冰屋iguana/ɪˈɡwɑːnə/鬣liè蜥xī

Jj /dʒ/: jumbo/ ˈdʒʌmbəʊ/巨无霸 jet/dʒet/喷气机jam/dʒæm/果酱juice/dʒuːs/饮料jacket/ˈdʒækɪt/夹克

Kk /k/: kicking/ ˈkɪkɪŋ/猛踢的kangaroo/ˌkæŋɡəˈruː/袋鼠key/kiː/钥匙/king/kɪŋ/国王kite/kaɪt/风筝

Ll /l/: lazy/ ˈleɪzi/懒的 lion/ˈlaɪən/狮子lamp/læmp/灯leaf/liːf/叶子lemon/ˈlemən/柠檬

Mm /m/: merry/ˈmeri/快乐的monkey/ˈmʌŋki/猴子money/ˈmʌni/钱mouse/maʊs/老鼠milk/mɪlk/牛奶

Nn /n/: noisy/ˈnɔɪzi/嘈杂的 nut/nʌt/坚果net/net/网nest/nest/巢nose/nəʊz/鼻子

Oo /ɒ/: orange/ ˈɒrɪndʒ/橙色的 octopus/ ˈɒktəpəs/章鱼ostrich/ˈɒstrɪtʃ/鸵鸟olive/ˈɒlɪv/橄榄ox/ɒks/公牛

Pp /p/: pink/ pɪŋk/粉色 peach/ piːtʃ/桃子pen/pen/笔panda/ˈpændə/大熊猫pineapple/ˈpaɪnæpl/凤梨

Qq /kw/: quiet/ ˈkwaɪət/安静的 queen/ kwiːn/女王quiz/kwɪz/测验quilt/kwɪlt/被子question/ˈkwestʃən/问题

Rr /r/: racing/ˈreɪsɪŋ/赛马 rabbit/ˈræbɪt/兔子rose/rəʊz/玫瑰rice/raɪs/大米robot/ˈrəʊbɒt/机器人

Ss /s/: super/ ˈsuːpə(r)/超级 seal/ siːl/海狮/sun/ sʌn/太阳soap/səʊp/香皂socks/sɒks/袜子

Tt /t/: tall/tɔːl/高turtle/ ˈtɜːtl/乌龟tent/tent/帐篷tiger/ˈtaɪɡə(r)/老虎teacher/ˈtiːtʃə(r)/老师

Uu /ʌ/: unhappy/ ʌnˈhæpi/不开心的 umbrella/ ʌmˈbrelə/伞up/ʌp/向上的/uncle/ ˈʌŋkl/叔叔umpir/ˈʌmpaɪ/裁判员

Vv /v/:violet van /væn/ 厢式货车vet /vɛt/ 兽医vest /vɛst/ 马甲violin /ˌvaɪə'lɪn/ 小提琴

Ww /w/: wise Wolf /wʊlf/ 狼/web /wɛb/(蜘蛛等的)网/ water /'wɔtɚ/ 水 /watch /wɔtʃ/ 手表

Xx /ks: fox in a box /fɑks/ 狐狸/box /bɑks/ 盒子/six /sɪks/ 六 /wax /wæks/ 蜡

Yy /j/:yellow yo-yo /ˈjoˌjo/ 溜溜球/yak /jæk/ 牦牛/yogurt /'joɡət/ 酸奶/yacht /jɑt/ 快艇

Zz /z/:zigzag zipper /'zɪpɚ/ 拉链/zero /'zɪro/ 零/ zoo /zu/ 动物园/zebra /ˈzibrə/ 斑马


Aa音重温:cat/kæt/猫ant /ænt/蚂蚁 apple/ˈæpl/苹果 axe/æks/斧头=>I see/I see an ant/I see an ant and an axe

am: ram/ræm/公羊jam/dʒæm/果酱 yam/jæm/山药 dam/dæm/水坝

an: fan/ fæn/扇子man/mæn/男人pan/pæn/平底锅can/kæn/金属罐=>the man/the man has a can/the man has a can and a pan

ad:dad/ dæd/爸爸 pad/pæd/衬垫 bag/bæɡ/包 rag/ræɡ/抹布

ag:bag/bæɡ/包rag/ræɡ/抹布 bag-dad-pad-rag

ap: cap/kæp/帽子map/mæp/地图 nap/næp/小睡 tap/ tæp/水龙头=>is that/is that your cap/is that your cap on the map?

at: bat/bæt/棒球棍 rat/ræt/老鼠 hat/hæt/帽子 mat/mæt/垫子

Ee音重温:web/ web/网络egg/eɡ/鸡蛋 vet/vet/兽医 ten/ ten/十 =>the vet/the vet has ten/the vet has ten big eggs

Ed:red/red/红色 bed/bed/床 pen/pen/笔=>the red pen/the red pen is/the red pen is on the bed

En: hen/hen/母鸡pen/pen/笔/ red/ bed =>the red pen/the red pen is/the red pen is on the bed

Et: jet/dʒet/喷气飞机 net/net/网 wet/wet/潮湿 pet/pet/宠物

Ii音重温Interesting/ˈɪntrəstɪŋ/有趣的 insect/ˈɪnsekt/昆虫hip/hɪp/臀部 ink/ɪŋk/墨水 zip/zɪp/拉链

ib:bib/bɪb/围兜 rib/rib/肋骨 lid/lid/盖子 kid/kid/小孩

id:kid/kid/小孩 lid/lid/盖子bib/bɪb/围兜rib/rib/肋骨

ip: lip/lip/嘴唇 tip/tip/提示 sip/sip/抿 rip/rip/裂开=> I like/I like to sip/I like to sip with my lip

ig: fig/fig/无花果 big/big/大 dig/dig/挖 wig/wig/假发

in: pin/pin/回形针/fin/fin/鱼鳍/bin/bin/箱 win/win/赢=> can you/can you see a pin/can you see a pin in the bin?

it: pit/pit/坑 hit/hit/打 six/siks/六 mix/miks/混合=> I don’t/ I don’t want/ I don’t want six pits!

ix: six/siks/六mix/miks/混合pit/pɪt/坑hit/hit/打 => I don’t/ I don’t want/ I don’t want six pits!

Oo音重温: orange/ ˈɒrɪndʒ/橙色的 octopus/ ˈɒktəpəs/章鱼 fox/fɒks/狐狸fog/fɒg/雾ox/ɒks/公牛 rod/rɒd/鱼竿

op: top/tɒp/顶点mop/mɒp/拖把 hop/hɒp/单脚跳 pop/pɒp/流行音乐

ot: pot/pɒt/锅hot/hɒt/火热的 cot/kɒt/担架/dot/dɒt/点=> the hot pot/the hot pot is under/the hot pot is under the cot

Uu音重温: unhappy/umbrella/sun/up/jug/dʒʌɡ/罐 hug/hʌɡ/拥抱

ud: bud/bʌd/花蕾 mud/mʌd/淤泥 pup/pʌp/小狗=> a pup/a pup sees bud/ a pup sees a bud in the mud

ug: bug/bʌɡ/小昆虫 rug/rʌɡ/小地毯 mug/mʌɡ/杯子

up: pup/pʌp/小狗cup/kʌp/杯子bud/bʌd/花蕾=> a pup/a pub sees a bud/a pub sees a bud in the mud

ub: cub/kʌb/幼兽 tub/tʌb/浴缸 hum/hʌm/哼=> the cub/the cub can hun/the cub can hum in the tub

um:gum//gʌm/口香糖hum/hʌm/哼 cub/kʌb/幼兽 tub/tʌb/浴缸=> the cub/the cub can hum/ the cub can hum in the tub

un:bun/bʌn/小面包 run/ rʌn 跑fun/fʌn有趣的

ut:nut/ nʌt /坚果 hut/ hʌt/小屋 cut/cʌt/切



a_e:tape/teɪp/胶带 cape/keɪp/披风 cane/keɪn/拐杖mane/meɪ/鬃毛=> the man/the man has tape/the man has tape and a cane

_ake: cake/ keɪk/蛋糕lake/leɪk/湖name/neɪm/名字game/geɪm/游戏

_ame: name/neɪm/名字game/geɪm/游戏cake/ keɪk/蛋糕lake/leɪk/湖

_ate: gate/ɡeɪt/门 skate/skeɪt/溜冰 wave/weɪv/波浪cave/keɪv/洞穴 => I see/I see a skate/I see a skate in a cave

_ave: wave/weɪv/波浪cave/keɪv/洞穴gate/ɡeɪt/门 skate/skeɪt/溜冰=> I see/I see a skate/I see a skate in a cave

_i_e: kite/kaɪt/风筝pine/paɪn/松树 ripe/raɪp/成熟 fine/faɪn/好的=>my kite/my kite is fine/my kite is fine in the pine

_ike: bike/baɪk/自行车hike/ haɪk/远足 time/taɪm/时间lime/laɪm/柠檬

_ime: lime/laɪm/柠檬time/taɪm/时间 bike/baɪk/自行车hike/ haɪk/远足

_ine: nine/ naɪn/九line/ laɪn/线five/faɪv/五/ dive/daɪv/潜水=> the five/the five nines dive/the five nines dive in the line

_ive: five/faɪv/五/ dive/daɪv/潜水nine/ naɪn/九line/ laɪn/线 => the five/the five nines dive/the five nines dive in the line

_o_e: home/ həʊm/家bone/ bəʊm/骨头cone/kəʊn/圆锥形rope/rəʊp/=> I hop/I hop over/I hop over the rope at home

_u_e: cube/kjuːb/立方体mute/mjuːt/沉默 cute/kjuːt可爱 mule/mjuːl/骡子

_ube: tube/tjuːb/管状物 june/ dʒuːn/六月 tune/ tjuːn/曲调rule/ruːl/=> hum /hum a tune/hum a tune on a tube in june

_ai: rain/reɪn/下雨nail/neɪl/指甲tail/teɪl/尾巴 wait/weɪt/等待

_ay: pay/peɪ/付钱day/deɪ/白天 bay/beɪ/海湾say/seɪ/说 =>I pay/I pay for a day/I pay for a day at the bay

_ea: leaf/liːf/叶子 eat/iːt/吃 sea/siː/海 meat/miːt/肉

_ee: bee/biː/蜜蜂 feet/fiːt/脚 seed/siːd/种子 jeep/dʒiːp/吉普车=> a seed!/a seed! A jeep! /a seed a jeep a bee with feet!

_ey: key/kiː/钥匙money/ˈmʌni/钱 candy/ˈkændi/糖果=> I have/I have a key/ I have a key,candy, and money

_y: candy/ˈkændi/糖果happy/ˈhæpi/快乐key/kiː/钥匙 => I have/I have a key/ I have a key,candy, and money

_ie: pie/paɪ/馅饼tie/taɪ/领带 lie/laɪ/谎言die/daɪ/死

_igh: light/laɪt/光 night/naɪt/夜晚 high/haɪ /高right/raɪt/右边 => the light/ the light is on the right/ the light is on the right at night

_y: spy/spaɪ/间谍 sky/skaɪ/天空cry/kraɪ/哭 my/maɪ/我的=> a spy/a spy can cry/a spy can cry, can the sky cry?

_oa: boat/bəʊt/小船coat/kəʊt/外套soap/səʊp/肥皂road/rəʊd/路=> my soap/my soap and coat/my soap and coat are on the boat

_ow: bow/bəʊ/鞠躬row/rəʊ/排,行 yellow/ˈjeləʊ/黄色pillow/ˈpɪləʊ/枕头

_ew: new/njuː/新的dew/djuː/露水fruit/fruːt/水果suit/ suːt/套装 => I eat/ I eat fruit/ I eat fruit in my new suit

_oo: moon/muːn/月球zoo/zuː/动物园food/fuːd/食物boot/buːt/鞋

_ue: blue/ bluː /蓝色glue/ɡluː/胶水 clue/kluː/线索Tuesday/ˈtjuːzdeɪ/星期二=> the clue/the clue is blue/the clue is blue glue on Tuesday

_ui: fruit/fruːt/水果suit/ suːt/套装new/njuː/新的=> I eat/I eat fruit/ I eat fruit in my new suit


bl: black/blæk/黑色blanket/ˈblæŋkɪt/毛毯 club/ klʌb /俱乐部clock/ klɒk/ 钟=>our club has a blue clock/our club has a blue clock and a black blanket

_br: broom/bruːm/刷子/bride/braɪd/新娘 crab/ kræb /螃蟹crocodile/ˈkrɒkədaɪl/鳄鱼=> the bride wants a broom a crab, and a crocodile

_cl: club/ klʌb /俱乐部clock/ klɒk/ 钟black/blæk/黑色blanket/ˈblæŋkɪt/毛毯=> our club has a blue clock/our club has a blue clock and a black blanket

_cr: crab/ kræb /螃蟹crocodile/ˈkrɒkədaɪl/鳄鱼broom/bruːm/刷子/bride/braɪd/新娘=> the bride wants a broom a crab, and a crocodile

_fl: fly/ flaɪ /飞flag/flæɡ/旗帜globe/ɡləʊb/球状物glass/ɡlɑːs/玻璃 => I see a fly on the globe地球仪,and a glass on the flag

_gl: globe/ɡləʊb/球状物glass/ɡlɑːs/玻璃fly/ flaɪ /飞flag/flæɡ/旗帜 => I see a fly on the globe地球仪,and a glass on the flag

_dr: drum/drʌm/鼓dress/dres/连衣裙truck/trʌk/卡车tree/triː/树=>I put a drum, in the truck by the tree

_fr: frog/ frɒɡ/青蛙Friday/ˈfraɪdeɪ/星期五green/ɡriːn/绿色grass/ɡrɑːs/草 =>on Friday, the frog,/ like to hop in the green grass

_gr: green/ɡriːn/绿色grass/ɡrɑːs/草frog/ frɒɡ/青蛙Friday/ˈfraɪdeɪ/星期五=> on Friday, the frog, /like to hop in the green grass

_pl: plate/pleɪt/盘子 play/ pleɪ/玩 slide/ slaɪd/滑梯sleep/sliːp/睡觉=> we play on the slide/and then we go to sleep

_sl: slide/ slaɪd/滑梯sleep/sliːp/睡觉plate/pleɪt/盘子 play/ pleɪ/玩=> we play on the slide/and then we go to sleep

_tr: truck/trʌk/卡车tree/triː/树drum/drʌm/鼓dress/dres/连衣裙 =>I put a drum, in the truck by the tree

_sm: smile/ smaɪl /微笑smoke/sməʊk/吸烟snake/sneɪk/蛇snow/snəʊ/雪花=> the black and yellow snakes/smile in the snow

_sn: snake/sneɪk/蛇snow/snəʊ/雪花smile/ smaɪl /微笑smoke/sməʊk/吸烟=> the black and yellow snakes/smile in the snow

_sp: spoon/ spuːn /勺子 spot/spɒt点(辅音+元音爆破)

_st: stop/ stɒp/停止stamp/stæmp/盖章test/test/测试fast/fɑːst/快速 => I get a red stamp/when I stop my test

_sw: swing/swɪŋ/秋千 swim/ swɪm/游泳spoon/spuːn/勺子spot/spɒt点=> he swims in the lat/and plays on the swing

_ch: chick/tʃɪk/小鸡 lunch/ lʌntʃ /午餐catch/kætʃ/接住=>he chick can catch/a bug for lunch

_ph: phone/fəʊn/电话dolphin/ˈdɒlfɪn/海豚 whale/weɪl/鲸鱼white/waɪt/白色=>the white whale and the dolphin/like to ride on the wave

_sh: shell/ ʃel/壳fish/fɪʃ/鱼ship/ʃɪp/船brush/brʌʃ/刷子=>the kids on the ship/ find a shell and a fish

_tch: watch/ wɒtʃ /照看catch/kætʃ/抓住chick/tʃɪk/小鸡 lunch/ lʌntʃ /午餐=> the chick can catch/a bug for lunch

_wh: whale/ weɪl/鲸鱼white/waɪt/白色phone/ fəʊn/电话dolphin/ˈdɒlfɪn/海豚=>the white whale and the dolphin/like to ride on the waves

_ck: duck/ dʌk /鸭子rocket/ˈrɒkɪt/火箭quilt/kwilt/被子queen/kwi:n/女王=>the duck makes a quilt/and the queen makes a rocket

_qu: quilt/kwilt/被子queen/kwi:n/女王duck/ dʌk /鸭子rocket/ˈrɒkɪt/火箭=> the duck makes a quilt/and the queen makes a rocket

_th1: this/ ðɪs/这个that/ðæt/那个mother/ˈmʌðə/母亲 father/ ˈfɑːðə/父亲=> this is my father,and that is my mother

_th2: three/θriː/三teeth/tiːθ/牙齿think/θɪŋk/想bath/bɑːθ/浴缸=>three kids think ,and clean their teeth

_lt: belt/ belt /腰带adult/ˈædʌlt/成人camp/kæmp/营地lamp/læmp/灯=> a man with a belt/bring a lamp to the camp

_mp: camp/kæmp/营地lamp/læmp/灯belt/belt/腰带adult/ˈædʌlt/成人=> a man with a belt/bring a lamp to the camp

_nd: wind/ wɪnd /风hand/hænd/手tent/tent/帐篷paint/peɪnt/画=>can you paint/a tent by hand?

_ng: king/ kɪŋ/国王long/lɒŋ/长的bank/bæŋk/银行pink/pɪŋk/粉红色=>the king is at the bank/in a long,pink coat

_nk: bank/bæŋk/银行pink/pɪŋk/粉红色king/ kɪŋ/国王long/lɒŋ/长的=> the king is at the bank/in a long,pink coat

_nt: tent/tent/帐篷paint/peɪnt/画wind/ wɪnd /风hand/hænd/手=>can you paint/a tent by hand?

_sc: scale/ skeɪl/规模school/skuːl/学校 skunk/skʌŋk/臭鼬 desk/desk/书桌 => a skunk is under/ the desk at school

_sk: skunk/skʌŋk/臭鼬 desk/desk/书桌scale/ skeɪl/规模school/skuːl/学校=> a skunk is under/ the desk at school

_spl: splash/ splæʃ/泼洒splint/splɪnt/夹板固定 squid/skwɪd/鱿鱼 square/skweə/正方形=> Nine big squids/splash and play in the bay

_spr: spray/spreɪ/喷雾spring/sprɪŋ/春天string/strɪŋ/细绳strong/strɒŋ/强壮的=>in spring, we need string/and a can of bug spray

_squ: squid/skwɪd/鱿鱼 square/skweə/平方splash/ splæʃ/泼洒splint/splɪnt/夹板固定=> Nine big squids/splash and play in the bay

_str: string/strɪŋ/细绳strong/strɒŋ/强壮的spray/spreɪ/喷雾spring/sprɪŋ/春天=>n spring, we need string/and a can of bug spray

_c: rice/ raɪs/大米city/ˈsɪti/城市icecream/ˈaɪsˈkriːm/冰淇凌cellphone/selfəʊn/手机=>people in the city/like rice and ice cream

_g: giraffe/ dʒəˈrɑːf /长颈鹿orange/ˈɒrɪndʒ/橘子giant/ˈdʒaɪənt/巨人cage/keɪdʒ/笼子=>the giant giraffe/eats an orange in the cage

_s: rose/ rəʊz/玫瑰jeans/dʒiːnz/牛仔裤cheese/tʃiːz/奶酪legs/leɡz/腿=>I have cheese, a red rose/and jeans on my legs


_ar: Car/ kɑː(r) /汽车farm/fɑːm/农场 star/ stɑː(r)/星星park/pɑːk/公园=>there’s a car a the farm/and a star in the park

_er: teacher/ ˈtiːtʃə(r)/老师sister/ˈsɪstə(r)妹妹doctor/ˈdɒktə(r)/医生tractor/ˈtræktə(r)/拖拉机=>the teacher,the doctor/and my sister ride a tractor

_ir: bird/ bɜːd/鸟girl/ɡɜːl/女孩purple/ˈpɜːpl/紫色nurse/nɜːs/护士=>the girl takes/her purple bird to the nurse

_or: doctor/ˈdɒktə(r)/医生tractor/ˈtræktə(r)/拖拉机teacher/ ˈtiːtʃə(r)/老师sister/ˈsɪstə(r)妹妹=>the teacher,the doctor/and my sister ride a tractor

_oi: coin/ kɔɪn /硬币soil/sɔɪl/土壤boy/bɔɪ/男孩toy/tɔɪ/玩具=>the boy can see a toy/and a coin in the soil

_ur: purple/ˈpɜːpl/紫色nurse/nɜːs/护士bird/ bɜːd/鸟girl/ɡɜːl/女孩=> the girl takes/her purple bird to the nurse

_oo: book/ bʊk /书foot/fʊt/脚pull/pʊl/拉bush/bʊʃ/灌木=>I pull a book/from a bush with my foot

_ou: mouse/ maʊs /老鼠house/haʊs /房屋cow/kaʊ/母牛brown/braʊn/棕色=>the mouse and the cow/live in a brown house

_ow: cow/kaʊ/母牛brown/braʊn/棕色mouse/ maʊs /老鼠house/haʊs /房屋=>the mouse and the cow/live in a brown house

_oy: boy/bɔɪ/男孩toy/tɔɪ/玩具coin/ kɔɪn /硬币soil/sɔɪl/土壤=> the boy can see a toy/and a coin in the soil

_u: pull/pʊl/拉bush/bʊʃ/灌木book/ bʊk /书foot/fʊt/脚=> I pull a book/from a bush with my foot

_all: ball/ bɔːl /球tall/tɔːl/高的walk/wɔːk/步行water/ ˈwɔːtə(r)/水 =>the tall boy can walk/with a ball in the water

_au: sauce/ sɔːs/酱油august/ɔːˈɡʌst/八月 draw/drɔː/铅笔画prawn/prɔːn/大虾=>I draw and eat prawns/with sauce in august

_aw: draw/drɔː/铅笔画prawn/prɔːn/大虾sauce/ sɔːs/酱油august/ɔːˈɡʌst/八月=> I draw and eat prawns/with sauce in august

_oar: roar/ rɔː(r)/咆哮board/bɔːd/板horse/hɔːs/马fork/fɔːk/叉子=>I draw a horse and fork/on the board and roar!

_or: horse/hɔːs/马fork/fɔːk/叉子roar/ rɔː(r)/咆哮board/bɔːd/板=> I draw a horse and fork/on the board and roar!

_wa: walk/wɔːk/步行water/ ˈwɔːtə(r)/水ball/ bɔːl /球tall/tɔːl/高的=> the tall boy can walk/with a ball in the water

_air: chair/ tʃeə/椅子hair/heə/头发share/ʃeə/共享square/skweə/正方形=>we share a big square chair/and brush our hair

_are: share/ʃeə/共享square/skweə/正方形chair/ tʃeə/椅子hair/heə/头发=>we share a big square chair/and brush our hair

_ea: bread/bred/面包head/hed/头bear/beə/熊pear/peə/梨子=> the bear has a pear/ and bread on his head.

_ear1: ear/ ɪə /耳朵clear/klɪə/清晰cheer/tʃɪə/欢呼deer/dɪə/鹿 =>I cheer when I see/ the ears on the deer

_ear2: bear/ beə /熊pear/peə/梨子bread/bred/面包head/hed/头=>the bear has a pear/and bread on his head

_eer:cheer/tʃɪə/欢呼deer/dɪə/鹿ear/ɪə/耳朵=> I cheer when I see/ the ears on the deer

_a: acorn/ˈeɪkɔːn/橡子baby/ˈbeɪbi/宝贝elevator/ˈelɪveɪtə/电梯lady/ˈleɪdi/女士=>the lady and her baby/have a big acorn

_e: he/hi/他 she/ʃi/她 tiger/ˈtaɪɡə/老虎child/tʃaɪld/小孩=>he has a tiger/and she has a child

_i: tiger/ˈtaɪɡə/老虎child/tʃaɪld/小孩he/hi/他 she/ʃi/她=> he has a tiger/and she has a child

_o1: cold/kəʊld/寒冷hotel/həʊˈtel/酒店uniform/ˈjuːnɪfɔːm/制服music/ˈmjuːzɪk/音乐=>I wear my uniform/and play music in the hotel

_u: uniform/ˈjuːnɪfɔːm/制服music/ˈmjuːzɪk/音乐cold/kəʊld/寒冷hotel/həʊˈtel/酒店=>I wear my uniform/and play music in the hotel

_a: panda/ˈpændə/大熊猫 gorilla/ɡəˈrɪlə/大猩猩banana/bəˈnɑːnə/香蕉umbrella/ʌmˈbrelə/雨伞=>a gorilla and a panda/eat a banana under an umbrella

_e: chicken/ ˈtʃɪkɪn/鸡 lemon/ˈlemən/柠檬pencil/ˈpensl/铅笔surprise/səˈpraɪz/惊喜=>a lemon, a chicken /and a pencil.what a surprise!

_i: chicken/ ˈtʃɪkɪn/鸡surprise/səˈpraɪz/惊喜pencil/ˈpensl/铅笔 lemon/ˈlemən/柠檬=>a lemon, a chicken/and a pencil.what a surprise!

_o2: monkey/ ˈmʌŋki/猴子love/lʌv/爱情son/sʌn/儿子honey/ˈhʌni/蜜蜂=>my son loves monkeys/and he loves honey

_o3: lemon/ˈlemən/柠檬 chicken/ ˈtʃɪkɪn/鸡surprise/səˈpraɪz/惊喜pencil/ˈpensl/铅笔=> a lemon, a chicken/and a pencial.what a surprise!

_u: surprise/səˈpraɪz/惊喜chicken/ ˈtʃɪkɪn /鸡 lemon/ˈlemən/柠檬pencil/ˈpensl/铅笔=> a lemon, a chicken/and a pencial.what a surprise!

_e隐音: glove/ɡlʌv/手套live/lɪv/居住comb/kəʊm/梳子lamb/læm/羔羊=>I live with a lamb/a comb,and a glove

_ve: glove/ɡlʌv/手套live/lɪv/居住comb/kəʊm/梳子lamb/læm/羔羊=>I live with a lamb/a comb,and a glove

_mb(b是隐音): comb/kəʊm/梳子lamb/læm/羔羊glove/ɡlʌv/手套live/lɪv/居住=>I live with a lamb/a comb,and a glove

_kn(k是隐音): knife/ naɪf /刀knee/niː/膝盖wrong/rɒŋ/错误write/raɪt/写=>it’s wrong to play/ with a knife on your knee

_rh(h是隐音): rhino/ˈraɪnəʊ/犀牛 rhubarb/ˈruːbɑːb/大黄 castle/ˈkɑːsl/城堡whistle/ˈwɪsl/吹口哨=> the rhino in the castle/has rhubarb and a whistle

_st(t是隐音): castle/ˈkɑːsl/城堡whistle/ˈwɪsl/吹口哨rhino/ˈraɪnəʊ/犀牛 rhubarb/ˈruːbɑːb/大黄=> the rhino in the castle/has rhubarb and a whistle

_wr(w是隐音): wrong/rɒŋ/错误write/raɪt/写knife/ naɪf /刀knee/niː/膝盖=> it’s wrong to play/ with a knife on your knee

_ful: beautiful/ ˈbjuːtɪfl/漂亮的helpful/ˈhelpfl/有用的famous/ˈfeɪməs/有名的dangerous/ ˈdeɪndʒərəs/危险的 =>the famous singer/ is beautiful and helpful

_ous: famous/ˈfeɪməs/有名的dangerous/ ˈdeɪndʒərəs/危险的beautiful/ ˈbjuːtɪfl/漂亮的=> the famous singer/ is beautiful and helpful

_sion: television/ ˈtelɪvɪʒn/电视excursion/ɪkˈskɜːʃn/远足station/ˈsteɪʃn/车站competition/ˌkɒmpəˈtɪʃn/竞争=>I watch/I watch the competion/I watch the competition on television

_sure: treasure/ˈtreʒə/财宝measure/ˈmeʒə/测量picture/ˈpɪktʃə/相片nature/ˈneɪtʃə/自然=>I measure the picture/of the treasure

_tion: station/ˈsteɪʃn/车站competition/ˌkɒmpəˈtɪʃn/竞争 television/ ˈtelɪvɪʒn/电视excursion/ɪkˈskɜːʃn/远足=>I watch I watch/I watch the competion/I watch the competition on television

_ture: picture/ˈpɪktʃə/相片nature/ˈneɪtʃə/自然 treasure/ˈtreʒə/财宝measure/ˈmeʒə/测量=> I measure the picture/of the treasure





