<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<style type="text/CSS">
table{width: 600px;}
.matrix { font-family:Lucida Console, Courier, Monotype; font-size:10pt; text-align:center; width:10px; padding:0px; margin:0px;}
<script type="text/javascript" language="Javascript">
var rows = 11; // must be an odd number
var speed = 50; // lower is faster
var reveal = 2; // between 0 and 2 only. The higher, the faster the Word appears
var effectalign = "default" //enter "center" to center it.
var w3c = document.getElementById && !window.Opera;;
var ie45 = document.all && !window.opera;
var ma_tab, matemp, ma_bod, ma_row, x, y, columns, ma_txt, ma_cho;
var m_coch = new Array();
var m_copo = new Array();
window.onload = function () {
if (!w3c && !ie45) return
var matrix = (w3c) ? document.getElementById("matrix") : document.all["matrix"];
ma_txt = (w3c) ? matrix.firstChild.nodeValue : matrix.innerHTML;
ma_txt = " " + ma_txt + " ";
columns = ma_txt.length;
if (w3c) {
while (matrix.childNodes.length) matrix.removeChild(matrix.childNodes[0]);
ma_tab = document.createElement("table");
ma_tab.setAttribute("border", 0);
ma_tab.setAttribute("align", effectalign);
ma_tab.style.backgroundColor = "#000000";
ma_bod = document.createElement("tbody");
for (x = 0; x < rows; x++) {
ma_row = document.createElement("tr");
for (y = 0; y < columns; y++) {
matemp = document.createElement("td");
matemp.setAttribute("id", "Mx" + x + "y" + y);
matemp.className = "matrix";
} else {
ma_tab = '<ta' + 'ble align="' + effectalign + '" border="0" style="background-color:#000000">';
for (var x = 0; x < rows; x++) {
ma_tab += '<t' + 'r>';
for (var y = 0; y < columns; y++) {
ma_tab += '<t' + 'd class="matrix" id="Mx' + x + 'y' + y + '"> </' + 'td>';
ma_tab += '</' + 'tr>';
ma_tab += '</' + 'table>';
matrix.innerHTML = ma_tab;
ma_cho = ma_txt;
for (x = 0; x < columns; x++) {
ma_cho += String.fromCharCode(32 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 94));
m_copo[x] = 0;
ma_bod = setInterval("mytricks()", speed);
function mytricks() {
x = 0;
for (y = 0; y < columns; y++) {
x = x + (m_copo[y] == 100);
ma_row = m_copo[y] % 100;
if (ma_row && m_copo[y] < 100) {
if (ma_row < rows + 1) {
if (w3c) {
matemp = document.getElementById("Mx" + (ma_row - 1) + "y" + y);
matemp.firstChild.nodeValue = m_coch[y];
} else {
matemp = document.all["Mx" + (ma_row - 1) + "y" + y];
matemp.innerHTML = m_coch[y];
matemp.style.color = "#33ff66";
matemp.style.fontWeight = "bold";
if (ma_row > 1 && ma_row < rows + 2) {
matemp = (w3c) ? document.getElementById("Mx" + (ma_row - 2) + "y" + y) : document.all["Mx" + (
ma_row - 2) + "y" + y];
matemp.style.fontWeight = "normal";
matemp.style.color = "#00ff00";
if (ma_row > 2) {
matemp = (w3c) ? document.getElementById("Mx" + (ma_row - 3) + "y" + y) : document.all["Mx" + (
ma_row - 3) + "y" + y];
matemp.style.color = "#009900";
if (ma_row < Math.floor(rows / 2) + 1) m_copo[y]++;
else if (ma_row == Math.floor(rows / 2) + 1 && m_coch[y] == ma_txt.charAt(y)) zoomer(y);
else if (ma_row < rows + 2) m_copo[y]++;
else if (m_copo[y] < 100) m_copo[y] = 0;
} else if (Math.random() > 0.9 && m_copo[y] < 100) {
m_coch[y] = ma_cho.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * ma_cho.length));
if (x == columns) clearInterval(ma_bod);
function zoomer(ycol) {
var mtmp, mtem, ytmp;
if (m_copo[ycol] == Math.floor(rows / 2) + 1) {
for (ytmp = 0; ytmp < rows; ytmp++) {
if (w3c) {
mtmp = document.getElementById("Mx" + ytmp + "y" + ycol);
mtmp.firstChild.nodeValue = m_coch[ycol];
} else {
mtmp = document.all["Mx" + ytmp + "y" + ycol];
mtmp.innerHTML = m_coch[ycol];
mtmp.style.color = "#33ff66";
mtmp.style.fontWeight = "bold";
if (Math.random() < reveal) {
mtmp = ma_cho.indexOf(ma_txt.charAt(ycol));
ma_cho = ma_cho.substring(0, mtmp) + ma_cho.substring(mtmp + 1, ma_cho.length);
if (Math.random() < reveal - 1) ma_cho = ma_cho.substring(0, ma_cho.length - 1);
m_copo[ycol] += 199;
setTimeout("zoomer(" + ycol + ")", speed);
} else if (m_copo[ycol] > 200) {
if (w3c) {
mtmp = document.getElementById("Mx" + (m_copo[ycol] - 201) + "y" + ycol);
mtem = document.getElementById("Mx" + (200 + rows - m_copo[ycol]--) + "y" + ycol);
} else {
mtmp = document.all["Mx" + (m_copo[ycol] - 201) + "y" + ycol];
mtem = document.all["Mx" + (200 + rows - m_copo[ycol]--) + "y" + ycol];
mtmp.style.fontWeight = "normal";
mtem.style.fontWeight = "normal";
setTimeout("zoomer(" + ycol + ")", speed);
} else if (m_copo[ycol] == 200) m_copo[ycol] = 100 + Math.floor(rows / 2);
if (m_copo[ycol] > 100 && m_copo[ycol] < 200) {
if (w3c) {
mtmp = document.getElementById("Mx" + (m_copo[ycol] - 101) + "y" + ycol);
mtmp.firstChild.nodeValue = String.fromCharCode(160);
mtem = document.getElementById("Mx" + (100 + rows - m_copo[ycol]--) + "y" + ycol);
mtem.firstChild.nodeValue = String.fromCharCode(160);
} else {
mtmp = document.all["Mx" + (m_copo[ycol] - 101) + "y" + ycol];
mtmp.innerHTML = String.fromCharCode(160);
mtem = document.all["Mx" + (100 + rows - m_copo[ycol]--) + "y" + ycol];
mtem.innerHTML = String.fromCharCode(160);
setTimeout("zoomer(" + ycol + ")", speed);
// -->
<div id="matrix">I love javascript</div>