
Java (56) 2023-10-07 15:12





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2、 Java language features

Java 语言是简单的:

一方面,Java 语言的语法与 C 语言和 C++ 语言很接近,使得大多数程序员很容易学习和使用。另一方面,Java 丢弃了 C++ 中很少使用的、很难理解的、令人迷惑的那些特性,如操作符重载、多继承、自动的强制类型转换。而且,Java 语言不使用指针,不会造成迷惑性行为。

The Java language is simple:

On the one hand, the syntax of Java language is very close to C language and C++language, making it easy for most programmers to learn and use. On the other hand, Java discards the features rarely used, hard to understand and confusing in C++, such as operator overloading, multiple inheritance, and automatic cast. Moreover, the Java language does not use pointers, which will not cause confusing behavior.

Java 语言是面向对象的:

Java 语言提供类、接口和继承等面向对象的特性,为了简单起见,只支持类之间的单继承,但支持接口之间的多继承,并支持类与接口之间的实现机制(关键字为 implements)。

The Java language is object-oriented:

The Java language provides object-oriented features such as classes, interfaces, and inheritance. For simplicity, only single inheritance between classes is supported, but multiple inheritance between interfaces is supported, and the implementation mechanism between classes and interfaces is supported (the key is implements).


Java 语言支持 Internet 应用的开发,在基本的 Java 应用编程接口中有一个网络应用编程接口(java net),它提供了用于网络应用编程的类库,包括 URL、URLConnection、Socket、ServerSocket 等。Java 的 RMI(远程方法激活)机制也是开发分布式应用的重要手段。

The Java language is distributed:

The Java language supports the development of Internet applications. In the basic Java application programming interface, there is a network application programming interface (java net), which provides a class library for network application programming, including URL, URLConnection, Socket, ServerSocket, etc. Java's RMI (Remote Method Activation) mechanism is also an important means to develop distributed applications.


在日常生活中,Java通常被用在网络环境中,为此,Java 提供了一个安全机制以防恶意代码的攻击。除了Java 语言具有的许多安全特性以外,Java 对通过网络下载的类具有一个安全防范机制(类 ClassLoader),如分配不同的名字空间以防替代本地的同名类、字节代码检查,并提供安全管理机制(类 SecurityManager)让 Java 应用设置安全哨兵。无论何时使用,都会保证你计算机的安全。

The Java language is secure:

In daily life, Java is usually used in the network environment. For this reason, Java provides a security mechanism to prevent malicious code attacks. In addition to many security features of the Java language, Java has a security mechanism (ClassLoader class) for classes downloaded through the network, such as assigning different namespaces to prevent replacing local classes with the same name, bytecode checking, and providing a security management mechanism (SecurityManager class) for Java applications to set security sentries. Whenever you use it, it will ensure the security of your computer.

Java 语言是体系结构中立的:

Java 程序在 Java 平台上被编译为体系结构中立的字节码格式(后缀为 class 的文件),然后可以在实现这个 Java 平台的任何系统中运行。这种途径适合于异构的网络环境和软件的分发。

The Java language is architecture neutral:

Java programs are compiled on the Java platform into an architecture-neutral bytecode format (files with the suffix class), and can then be run on any system that implements the Java platform. This approach is suitable for heterogeneous network environment and software distribution.

Java 语言是可移植的:

这种可移植性来源于体系结构中立性,另外,Java 还严格规定了各个基本数据类型的长度。Java 系统本身也具有很强的可移植性,Java 编译器是用 Java 实现的,Java 的运行环境是用 ANSI C 实现的。

The Java language is portable:

This portability stems from the architecture neutrality. In addition, Java also strictly regulates the length of each basic data type. The Java system itself also has strong portability. The Java compiler is implemented in Java, and the Java running environment is implemented in ANSI C.

Java 语言是解释型的:

如之前所说,Java 程序在 Java 平台上被编译为字节码格式,然后可以在实现这个 Java 平台的任何系统中运行。它拥有一个虚拟中介,在运行时,Java 平台中的 Java 解释器对这些字节码进行解释执行,执行过程中需要的类在联接阶段被载入到运行环境中。

The Java language is interpretive:

As mentioned earlier, Java programs are compiled into bytecode format on the Java platform, and then can be run in any system that implements the Java platform. It has a virtual intermediary. At runtime, the Java interpreter in the Java platform interprets and executes these bytecodes, and the classes needed in the execution process are loaded into the runtime environment at the join stage.

Java 是高性能的:

与那些解释型的高级脚本语言相比,Java 的确是高性能的。事实上,在不断的发展过程中,Java 的运行速度越来越接近于 C++。

Java is high-performance:

Compared with those interpreted high-level scripting languages, Java is indeed high-performance. In fact, in the process of continuous development, Java runs faster and faster than C++.

Java 语言是多线程的:

在 Java 语言中,线程是一种特殊的对象,它必须由 Thread 类或其子(孙)类来创建。通常有两种方法来创建线程:其一,使用型构为 Thread(Runnable) 的构造子类将一个实现了 Runnable 接口的对象包装成一个线程,其二,从 Thread 类派生出子类并重写 run 方法,使用该子类创建的对象即为线程。Java 语言支持多个线程的同时执行,并提供多线程之间的同步机制(关键字为 synchronized)。

The Java language is multi-threaded:

In the Java language, thread is a special object that must be created by the Thread class or its descendant (grandchild) class. There are usually two ways to create a thread: first, use the construction subclass with the type of Thread (Runnable) to wrap an object that implements the Runnable interface into a thread; second, derive a subclass from the Thread class and rewrite the run method. The object created with this subclass is a thread. The Java language supports the simultaneous execution of multiple threads and provides a synchronization mechanism between multiple threads (the key is synchronized).

Java 语言是动态的:

Java 语言的设计目标之一是适应于动态变化的环境。Java 程序需要的类能够动态地被载入到运行环境,也可以通过网络来载入所需要的类。这也有利于软件的升级。另外,Java 中的类有一个运行时刻的表示,能进行运行时刻的类型检查。

The Java language is dynamic:

One of the design goals of the Java language is to adapt to the dynamic environment. The classes required by Java programs can be loaded into the running environment dynamically, or they can be loaded through the network. This is also conducive to software upgrading. In addition, classes in Java have a runtime representation that can perform runtime type checking.


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