
(1) 2024-08-09 18:23



  • Useful words
    • 1. Name
    • 2. Start with introduction Phrases
    • 3.
      • Add suitable Adverbs
      • Use Appropriate Synonyms
      • Add Time Phrase
  • Example
    • 1. bar chart
    • 2. line graph
    • 3. Pie chart

Useful words

1. Name

a data graph(曲线图)、chart (图表)、diagram、illustration、table、pie chart

直方图: bar chart/ histogram

柱状图:column chart

曲线趋势图:line chart/ curve diagram

流程图:flow chart / sequence diagram

程序图:processing/ procedure diagram

树形图:tree diagram

2. Start with introduction Phrases

the graph illustrates the trends in…

the graph provided reveals

the graph given concerns

a glance at the graph provided reveals…

the figure are the remainder/ an indication that…

Yet this is a part of a wider phenomenon…

one compelling argument in favor of…

it might be tempting to think…, however, in my view any such concerns are unwarranted,especially considering the growing awareness of…

the contributing factors responsible for this phenomenon can be summarized as follows

several reasons accounting for this situation can be summarized can be what follows…


Add suitable Adverbs

  • approximately

  • dramatically

  • Erratically(不规律的)

  • gradually

  • markedly

  • sharply

  • significantly

  • slightly

  • steadily

  • stable

  • substancial

Use Appropriate Synonyms

  • RISE
    • climb
    • increase
    • leap
    • move upward
    • rocket
    • skyrocket
    • soar
    • pick up
    • surge
    • recover
    • spick
  • FALL
    • collapse
    • decline
    • decrease
    • dip
    • drive
    • drop
    • go down
    • plummet
    • plunge
    • slide
    • slip
    • slump
    • take a nosedive
    • deterioration
    • freefall
    • reduction
  • VARY
    • rise and fall
    • stable
    • consistant

remain stable/ had stablized

Add Time Phrase

  • between …and…
  • from…to…
  • in the year
  • during/over the period
  • over the latter half of the year/century/decade/peroid
  • by

The bar chart illustrate the trends in computer ownership,with a futher classification by level of education, from 2002 to 2010.

Over the period, it can be observed that there was a significant surge in the percentage of the population that owned a computer. In the year 2002, only about 58% of the population owned a computer, whereas by 2010, this gradually increased to where over three-quarters of idviduals had a home computer.

Looking at the information by level of education reveals that higher levels of education correspond to higher levels of computer ownership in both of those years. In 2002, a significantly low percentage of the population who did not finish high school had a computer, but this figure skyrocketed by 2010, going form 15% to over 40%. There were also dramatic climbs, of approximately 30 percentage points, for those with a high school diploma or unfinished college education( reaching 65% and 85% respectively,in 2010)

To conclude, during the last decade, there has been a substancial growth in computer ownership across all education levels.

It’s interesting to note that Romance novels earned the most income each year between 2006 and 2010 with scales ranging from 70,000 to 115,000 . In contrast, SciFi and Fantasy novels were the poorest revenue generators of the five categories earning only 20,000 at its highest point in 2007 and a mere 10,000 at its lowest point in 2009.


1. bar chart

The bar chart below shows the number of men and women studying engineering at Australia universities.

Summarise the information in the cchart by selecting and reporting the main features. Make comparisons where relevant.

The bar chart illustrates the number of men and women studying engineering at Australian universities between the years 1992 and 2012 at 10-year intervals.

It can be seen that the number of male students fell slightly from 14,000 in 1992 to 12,000 in 2002, and then remained level through the following decade. The number of femal students is relatively low starting at 2,000 in 1992, However, while the number of men decreased, the number of women increased. Female students grew steadily by 2,000 each decades. This lead to a rise in the total number of engineering students from 16,000 to 18,000 in this period.

Men continue to make up the majority of students. However, the proportion of female students increased sharply in this period. In 1992 there was one women to every seven men, but by 2012 this narrowed to one women to every two men.

Overall, we can see a clear upward trend in the number of female engineering students in Australian universitises, while the number of male students seems to have levelled off.

2. line graph


The graph shows the rate at which British people adopted new technology over a 15-year period from 2000 to 2015. The figures are given as percentages of the population.

Overall, there was widespread adoption of new technology during these years. Nearly nine out of ten people in the UK were online by 2015. The figure for having broadband in the home, ownership of a smartphone and use of social media platforms were all high that year too, at around 70 to 80 percent, and nearly hal the population owned a tablet. The only exception to this smartwatch ownership, which remained comparatively low at 5 percent.

If we look at the trend over time, we can see that the uptake of new technology increased dramatically in this period. For example, internet usage tripled and social media usage grew strinkingly by 78 percentage points. Smartphones and tablets appeared in 2010 and ,similarly, these followed a steep upward trajectory. However, for some products, the graph shows that growth slowed down noticeable after an initial surge. Social media usage, for instance, was near zero in 2005 and shot up to 52 percent in 2010, but by a modest 4 percentage pointd after then. In contrast, the newer technology such as tablets showed no sign of levelling off.

Ownership of all the technology was increasing; it will be interesting to see when it peaks.

3. Pie chart

Here we have an example of a pie chart that represents how internet users aged 16+ prefer to browse the web

The graph shows the results of a survery in which people aged 15 and over were asked about their perferred devices for accessing the internet. The question referred to going online at home and in other places. Participants mentioned four main devices in their answers: a smart phone, a laptop, a tablets and a desktop computer.

From the pie chart it is clear that the majority of participants prefer to use smartphones and laptops, with just three per cent difference between the two. Nearly a third participants prefer to go online with a smartphone. Thirty percent like to use a laptop. A desktop computer accounts for fourteen per cent of user’s preferred devices. Only a small minority prefer a device other than these main four.

In conclusion, since mobile and portable devices are the most popular choices, it is clear that

many participants are accessing the internet outside their homes. The desktop computer is the least popolar of the four main devices. In future, we can probably expect to see more and more people accessing the internet with smartphones as their prefferd choice.





