实现 DirectShow 虚拟 Camera 驱动

(3) 2024-05-01 20:12

Hi,大家好,我是编程小6,很荣幸遇见你,我把这些年在开发过程中遇到的问题或想法写出来,今天说一说实现 DirectShow 虚拟 Camera 驱动,希望能够帮助你!!!。

今天我们要实现一个虚拟 Camera 驱动。有这个驱动,在 播放软件(如 VLC)、视频会议软件、主播视频制作软件(如 OBS)中,就可以播放、加入我们的各种特制内容了。


在 OBS 中使用我们的 Camera:

实现 DirectShow 虚拟 Camera 驱动_https://bianchenghao6.com/blog__第1张 

实现 DirectShow 虚拟 Camera 驱动_https://bianchenghao6.com/blog__第2张

 实现 DirectShow 虚拟 Camera 驱动_https://bianchenghao6.com/blog__第3张

 在 Vlc 中播放使用我们的 Camera:

实现 DirectShow 虚拟 Camera 驱动_https://bianchenghao6.com/blog__第4张

实现 DirectShow 虚拟 Camera 驱动_https://bianchenghao6.com/blog__第5张 


说是驱动,其实与真正的物理摄像头驱动是不一样的。我们买的物理摄像头,是通过 USB 与电脑连接,使用 UVC(USB Video Class)规范实现。

在 Windows 平台,实现虚拟 Camera,更简单的方法是基于 DirectShow 实现一个应用层的 Capture Source Filter,而且大部分 Windows 平台的视频软件都会适配 DirectShow Capture。

这篇文章假定你已经了解 DirectShow 的基本框架、工作原理,并且有一点的实践经验。在此基础上,通过这篇文章,能够了解到虚拟 Camera 的实现必要工作,并通过下面的基本步骤,可以完成一个真正的可以工作的虚拟 Camera。

通过实践总结下来,实现虚拟 Camera 需要以下几步:

  • 实现 IMediaFilter、IPin,实现基本的Pin 管理,图像输出
  • 实现 IKsPropertySet,声明 Pin 的类型(Capture、Preview)
  • 实现 IAMStreamConfig,支持 Camera 配置,如分辨率,帧率
  • 实现 IPropertyPage,支持配置的 Sheet(对话框),比如输入虚拟数据源的地址
  • 实现 ISpecifyPropertyPages,对外声明,本 Filter 支持的配置的 Sheet
  • 实现 Capture 的注册,注册为 Camera 设备,让其他软件能够找到你

实现 IMediaFilter、IPin

实现 IMediaFilter、IPin,是实现 DirectShow Source Filter 的基本任务。可以参考我的另外两篇文章:

播放器插件实现系列 —— DirectShow 之 SourceFilter_Fighting Horse的博客-CSDN博客

基于 DirectShow 实现 SourceFilter 常见问题分析_Fighting Horse的博客-CSDN博客

需要说明的是,Camera 中可用的视频格式是有限的。除了未压缩的 RGB、YUV 格式,只支持 MJPG 格式。这是行业的常规标准,也是出于成本考虑,支持视频编码的摄像头肯定要贵一些。

因此如果输入源是视频文件(一般是 H264 编码),想要虚拟为摄像头,就要考虑其他方案了,否则使用 Camera 的软件基本上用不了你的 Camera。

实现 IKsPropertySet

通过接口 IKsPropertySet,声明 Pin 是 CAPTURE 类型的。

接口 IKsPropertySet 有三个方法:

Method Description
Get Retrieves a property identified by a property set GUID and a property ID.
QuerySupported Determines whether an object supports a specified property set.
Set Sets a property identified by a property set GUID and a property ID.


// Set: Cannot set any properties.
HRESULT CMyCapturePin::Set(REFGUID guidPropSet, DWORD dwID,
    void *pInstanceData, DWORD cbInstanceData, void *pPropData, 
    DWORD cbPropData)
    return E_NOTIMPL;

只支持获取 catagory 属性:

// Get: Return the pin category (our only property). 
HRESULT CMyCapturePin::Get(
    REFGUID guidPropSet,   // Which property set.
    DWORD dwPropID,        // Which property in that set.
    void *pInstanceData,   // Instance data (ignore).
    DWORD cbInstanceData,  // Size of the instance data (ignore).
    void *pPropData,       // Buffer to receive the property data.
    DWORD cbPropData,      // Size of the buffer.
    DWORD *pcbReturned     // Return the size of the property.
    if (guidPropSet != AMPROPSETID_Pin) 
        return E_PROP_SET_UNSUPPORTED;
        return E_PROP_ID_UNSUPPORTED;
    if (pPropData == NULL && pcbReturned == NULL)
        return E_POINTER;
    if (pcbReturned)
        *pcbReturned = sizeof(GUID);
    if (pPropData == NULL)  // Caller just wants to know the size.
        return S_OK;
    if (cbPropData < sizeof(GUID)) // The buffer is too small.
        return E_UNEXPECTED;
    return S_OK;

还是只支持 CATAGORY 属性,只读:

// QuerySupported: Query whether the pin supports the specified property.
HRESULT CMyCapturePin::QuerySupported(REFGUID guidPropSet, DWORD dwPropID,
    DWORD *pTypeSupport)
    if (guidPropSet != AMPROPSETID_Pin)
        return E_PROP_SET_UNSUPPORTED;
        return E_PROP_ID_UNSUPPORTED;
    if (pTypeSupport)
        // We support getting this property, but not setting it.
        *pTypeSupport = KSPROPERTY_SUPPORT_GET; 
    return S_OK;

实现 Capture 的注册

只是声明 Pin 的类型,并不能让其他应用觉得你是一个 Camera。这比较令人泄气,毕竟没有什么比在其他应用中的看到我们的存在更令人兴奋了。

所以这一步是很关键的,当完成这一步之后,我们可以在其他应用中可以间接的操作我们的 Camera,调试我们的代码。

与一般 DirectShow Filter 的注册不一样的是,Capture Filter 还需要注册到 VideoInputDeviceCategory 中。

IFilterMapper2* fm = 0;
hr = CreateComObject(CLSID_FilterMapper2, IID_IFilterMapper2, fm);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
    if (bRegister)
        IMoniker* pMoniker = 0;
        REGFILTER2 rf2;
        rf2.dwVersion = 1;
        rf2.dwMerit = MERIT_DO_NOT_USE;
        rf2.cPins = 1;
        rf2.rgPins = sudMyPin;
        // this is the name that actually shows up in VLC et al. weird
        hr = fm->RegisterFilter(CLSID_MyCamera, g_wszMyCamera, &pMoniker, &CLSID_VideoInputDeviceCategory, NULL, &rf2);
        hr = fm->UnregisterFilter(&CLSID_VideoInputDeviceCategory, 0, CLSID_MyCamera);

// release interface
if (fm)


 实现 DirectShow 虚拟 Camera 驱动_https://bianchenghao6.com/blog__第6张


实现 IAMStreamConfig

通过接口 IAMStreamConfig,对外暴露图像格式的细节。与 IPin::EnumMediaTypes 不同,这里给出的是各种配置参数的范围、可选值,也支持配置各种参数的值。

The GetFormat method retrieves the current or preferred output format.
The GetNumberOfCapabilities method retrieves the number of format capabilities that this pin supports.
The GetStreamCaps method retrieves a set of format capabilities.
The SetFormat method sets the output format on the pin.
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CMyCapturePin::GetNumberOfCapabilities(int* piCount, int* piSize)
    *piCount = 1;
    *piSize = sizeof(VIDEO_STREAM_CONFIG_CAPS); // VIDEO_STREAM_CONFIG_CAPS is an MS struct
    return S_OK;


    CAutoLock cAutoLock(m_pFilter->pStateLock());
    HRESULT hr = GetMediaType(&m_mt); // setup then re-use m_mt ... why not?
    // some are indeed shared, apparently.
    if (FAILED(hr))
        return hr;

    *pmt = CreateMediaType(&m_mt); // a windows lib method, also does a copy for us
    if (*pmt == NULL) return E_OUTOFMEMORY;


      most of these are listed as deprecated by msdn... yet some still used, apparently. odd.

    pvscc->VideoStandard = AnalogVideo_None;
    pvscc->InputSize.cx = m_info->format.video.width;
    pvscc->InputSize.cy = m_info->format.video.height;

    // most of these values are fakes..
    pvscc->MinCroppingSize.cx = m_info->format.video.width;
    pvscc->MinCroppingSize.cy = m_info->format.video.height;

    pvscc->MaxCroppingSize.cx = m_info->format.video.width;
    pvscc->MaxCroppingSize.cy = m_info->format.video.height;

    pvscc->CropGranularityX = 1;
    pvscc->CropGranularityY = 1;
    pvscc->CropAlignX = 1;
    pvscc->CropAlignY = 1;

    pvscc->MinOutputSize.cx = m_info->format.video.width;
    pvscc->MinOutputSize.cy = m_info->format.video.height;
    pvscc->MaxOutputSize.cx = m_info->format.video.width;
    pvscc->MaxOutputSize.cy = m_info->format.video.height;
    pvscc->OutputGranularityX = 1;
    pvscc->OutputGranularityY = 1;

    pvscc->StretchTapsX = 1; // We do 1 tap. I guess...
    pvscc->StretchTapsY = 1;
    pvscc->ShrinkTapsX = 1;
    pvscc->ShrinkTapsY = 1;

    pvscc->MinFrameInterval = 500000; // the larger default is actually the MinFrameInterval, not the max
    pvscc->MaxFrameInterval = 500000000; // 0.02 fps 🙂 [though it could go lower, really...]

    pvscc->MinBitsPerSecond = (LONG)1 * 1 * 8 * m_info->format.video.frame_rate; // if in 8 bit mode 1x1. I guess.
    pvscc->MaxBitsPerSecond = (LONG)m_info->format.video.width * m_info->format.video.height * 32 * m_info->format.video.frame_rate + 44; // + 44 header size? + the palette?

    return hr;


    CAutoLock cAutoLock(m_pFilter->pStateLock());
    if (!m_bFormatAlreadySet) {
        HRESULT hr = GetMediaType(&m_mt); // setup with index "0" kind of the default/preferred...I guess...
        if (FAILED(hr))
            return hr;
    *ppmt = CreateMediaType(&m_mt); // windows internal method, also does copy
    return S_OK;


    CAutoLock cAutoLock(m_pFilter->pStateLock());

    // I *think* it can go back and forth, then.  You can call GetStreamCaps to enumerate, then call
    // SetFormat, then later calls to GetMediaType/GetStreamCaps/EnumMediatypes will all "have" to just give this one
    // though theoretically they could also call EnumMediaTypes, then Set MediaType, and not call SetFormat
    // does flash call both? what order for flash/ffmpeg/vlc calling both?
    // LODO update msdn

    // "they" [can] call this...see msdn for SetFormat

    // NULL means reset to default type...
    if (pmt != NULL)
        if (pmt->formattype != FORMAT_VideoInfo)  // FORMAT_VideoInfo == {CLSID_KsDataTypeHandlerVideo} 
            return E_FAIL;

        // LODO I should do more here...http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd319788.aspx I guess [meh]
        // LODO should fail if we're already streaming... [?]

        if (CheckMediaType((CMediaType*)pmt) != S_OK) {
            return E_FAIL; // just in case 😛 [FME...]
        VIDEOINFOHEADER* pvi = (VIDEOINFOHEADER*)pmt->pbFormat;

        // for FMLE's benefit, only accept a setFormat of our "final" width [force setting via registry I guess, otherwise it only shows 80x60 whoa!]	    
        // flash media live encoder uses setFormat to determine widths [?] and then only displays the smallest? huh?
        if (pvi->bmiHeader.biWidth != m_info->format.video.width ||
            pvi->bmiHeader.biHeight != m_info->format.video.height)
            return E_INVALIDARG;

        // ignore other things like cropping requests for now...

        // now save it away...for being able to re-offer it later. We could use Set MediaType but we're just being lazy and re-using m_mt for many things I guess
        m_mt = *pmt;


    IPin* pin;
    if (pin)
        IFilterGraph* pGraph = m_pFilter->GetFilterGraph();
        HRESULT res = pGraph->Reconnect(this);
        if (res != S_OK) // LODO check first, and then just re-use the old one?
            return res; // else return early...not really sure how to handle this...since we already set m_mt...but it's a pretty rare case I think...
          // plus ours is a weird case...
    else {
        // graph hasn't been built yet...
        // so we're ok with "whatever" format they pass us, we're just in the setup phase...

    // success of some type
    if (pmt == NULL) {
        m_bFormatAlreadySet = FALSE;
    else {
        m_bFormatAlreadySet = TRUE;

    return S_OK;


实现 IPropertyPage

通过 IPropertyPage 提供自定义的 Camera 配置或者信息展示的 UI 页面,其他应用也可以给用户展示该页面。

对于虚拟 Camera 来说,自定义的配置的最大用处是让用户输入图像数据的来源。比如将一个视频文件虚拟为 Camera,那么就要做一个 UI 界面,让用户选择他的视频文件。这个工作就在这一步完成。

实现 DirectShow 虚拟 Camera 驱动_https://bianchenghao6.com/blog__第7张


DirectShow baseclasses 提供了 CPropertyPage 类帮助实现 IPropertyPage,我们只需要实现下列方法,就可以工作了:

virtual HRESULT OnConnect(IUnknown* pUnk);
virtual HRESULT OnActivate();
virtual INT_PTR OnReceiveMessage(HWND hwnd,
    UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
virtual HRESULT OnApplyChanges();
virtual HRESULT OnDisconnect();

不过,还需要我们自己添加对话框资源,开发过 MFC 界面程序的程序员,应该都知道。不知道也很简单,通过拖拽一些控件就能够完成了。需要说明的是,新建对话框时,选择 IDD_OLE_PROPPAGE_SMALL。

在进一步实现 CPropertyPage 前,还需要定义并实现自己的读写配置值的接口:

    0x608b220, 0xe2f8, 0x4ddb, 0x99, 0xb6, 0xbf, 0xe5, 0x54, 0x25, 0xa9, 0xee);

interface ICameraConfig : public IUnknown
    STDMETHOD(GetUrl)(LPCTSTR* psUrl) = 0;
    STDMETHOD(SetUrl)(LPCTSTR sUrl) = 0;


STDMETHODIMP_(HRESULT __stdcall) CMyCamera::GetUrl(LPCTSTR* psUrl)
    *psUrl = m_URL;
    return S_OK;

STDMETHODIMP_(HRESULT __stdcall) CMyCamera::SetUrl(LPCTSTR sUrl)
    lstrcpyW(m_URL, sUrl);
    Load(m_URL, NULL);
    return S_OK;

接下来就是实现 CPropertyPage 的几个方法了:

在连接时,查询并保存配置接口 ICameraConfig 对象:

HRESULT CMyPropertyPage::OnConnect(IUnknown* pUnk)
    if (pUnk == NULL)
        return E_POINTER;
    ASSERT(m_pConfig == NULL);
    return pUnk->QueryInterface(IID_ICameraConfig,


HRESULT CMyPropertyPage::OnActivate()
    ASSERT(m_pConfig != NULL);
    LPCTSTR url;
    HRESULT hr = m_pConfig->GetUrl(&url);
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        SendDlgItemMessage(m_Dlg, IDC_URL, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)url);
    return hr;

在收到 Windows 消息时,比如文本框文字改变时,标记配置值被修改了:

INT_PTR CMyPropertyPage::OnReceiveMessage(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
    switch (uMsg)
    case WM_COMMAND:
        if (wParam == MAKEWPARAM(IDC_URL, EN_CHANGE)) {
            if (IsWindowVisible(m_hwnd))
    } // Switch.

    // Let the parent class handle the message.
    return CBasePropertyPage::OnReceiveMessage(hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam);

void CMyPropertyPage::SetDirty()
    m_bDirty = TRUE;
    if (m_pPageSite)

在用户点击“确认”或者"应用" 时,写入新的配置值:

HRESULT CMyPropertyPage::OnApplyChanges() {
    ASSERT(m_pConfig != NULL);
    TCHAR url[MAX_PATH];
    SendDlgItemMessage(m_Dlg, IDC_URL, WM_GETTEXT, MAX_PATH, (LPARAM)url);
    HRESULT hr = m_pConfig->SetUrl(url);
    return hr;

在断开连接时,释放配置接口 ICameraConfig 对象:

HRESULT CMyPropertyPage::OnDisconnect()
    if (m_pConfig)
        m_pConfig = NULL;
    return S_OK;

实现 ISpecifyPropertyPages

只有 IPropertyPage 并没有展示出配置界面。还需要实现 ISpecifyPropertyPages 接口。该接口只有一个方法:

Retrieves a list of property pages that can be displayed in this object's property sheet.

该方法返回一个 GUID 数组,但是应该返回什么 GUID,文档中说得很模糊。

在尝试了很久之后,才明白,需要将上面的 IPropertyPage 对象像 DirectShow Filter 一样注册,然后在这里返回对应的 CLSID。

注册 CMyPropertyPage:

CFactoryTemplate g_Templates[] = 
        L"My Camera Property Page",
        & CLSID_MyCameraPropertyPage,

实现 GetPages 方法: 

STDMETHODIMP_(HRESULT __stdcall) CMyCamera::GetPages(CAUUID* pPages)
    pPages->cElems = 1;
    pPages->pElems = (GUID*)CoTaskMemAlloc(sizeof(GUID));
    if (pPages->pElems == NULL)
        return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
    pPages->pElems[0] = CLSID_MyCameraPropertyPage;
    return S_OK;





